Viewer’s Guide to Spring’s First Full Moon

Just as the vernal equinox appears to be more variable than they’ve led us to believe, Easter has a similar scheduling nightmare. As it turns out, the Vatican has held rights to the position of Easter in our calendar (admittedly, theres anyway), though it is noticeably in contrast to the astronomical projections of the same occurence. As originally stated, Easter is to occur on the first Sunday following the Paschal Full Moon (spring’s first full moon). The church’s records were created when this science was not yet perfected, ergo the discrepancy.

“…there can sometimes be discrepancies between the ecclesiastical and astronomical versions for dating Easter. In the year 2038, for instance, the equinox falls on March 20 with a full Moon the next day, so astronomically speaking, Easter should fall on March 28 of that year. In reality, however, as mandated by the rules of the Church, Easter in 2038 will be observed as late as it can possibly come, on April 25!”

1 comment

  1. Just another bit of evidence that Easter is in fact a totally random event. I love it because it is always a surprise as far as when it occurs is concerned. What?! Easter is tomorrow?! BREAK OUT THE DYE! GATHER EGGS!! LET THE GREAT HUNT BEGIN!!!

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