Where the Sidewalk Ends

I was driving back to work from lunch today when I had a near-miss with an invincible jogger in the road. I’m guessing he was invincible because he didn’t even quaver at the approach of my car’s awesome kinetic energy. It’s an American luxury sedan, so it has considerable mass. It got me thinking about… Continue reading Where the Sidewalk Ends

Car Shopping…Again

I do this periodically just in case my car should fail miserably one day, which it should any day. I currently have a 1994 Pontiac Bonneville with 196k miles on it. That’s pretty good for an American car, even if it is a luxury sedan. I’m really excited by the Mazda3, 5-door. On the same… Continue reading Car Shopping…Again

I Eat Yellow Foods

It turns out that I really enjoy eating in mom & pop establishments. I sort of always knew that, but didn’t think about it much. They’re often times more expensive than bigger chains, but for what they lack in economy, they gain in service and dining pleasure. You also get a warm, fuzzy knowing that… Continue reading I Eat Yellow Foods

Don’t Panic!

Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is coming to theater’s in live-action glory soon! You may have seen the original movie or read the book (wasn’t there a cartoon also?), but a new movie just seems apt after the abysmal 1982 rendition. Since Adams’ untimely death in 2001, proper reverance has yet to be… Continue reading Don’t Panic!

Same-Sex Marriage (Speaking of Faith)

I listened to “Speaking of Faith” this evening on NPR. The program was about same-sex marriages and the opinions of two Evangelical Christians. I was able to hear the first, Richard Mouw, before I retired from my car in the driveway. It was probably one of the best discussions I’ve heard of this nature. Mouw… Continue reading Same-Sex Marriage (Speaking of Faith)

Über-Aggressive Lemmings

Those of you who know me, know that I’m a very tolerant guy.  There are, however, a few things that I just despise. On my way home last night, I encountered the most loathsome of my pet-peeves (maybe not the most, but at the time it was).  Having driven through stormy weather from work, I… Continue reading Über-Aggressive Lemmings

CNN.com – Man in Americas earlier than thought

Once believed to have occured approximately 13,000 years ago, new estimates were made to push man’s (homo sapiens) arrival into North America to around 25,000 years ago. This changed yet again when John Topper discovered what appears to be man-made implements several meters below the current Topper site. The radiocarbon date testing pushes these items… Continue reading CNN.com – Man in Americas earlier than thought

Dr. Evil Works for Boeing

NASA pushed an unmanned scramjet to nearly mach 10 recently. The technologies are all new and never before put into effect on a flying vehicles before. NASA has broken the flying speed record twice now. The report says that possible military use in the creation of a bomber could reach anywhere on the planet (surface-level,… Continue reading Dr. Evil Works for Boeing

Lunch: Recipes for Disaster

Also curtesy Ingle’s, lunch is a delicious (if large) collection of bargains. I downed a ham and cheese sandwhich and a dozen deviled eggs (6 whole eggs). For dessert, I’ll be packing down a half-pound puddle of pudding – bannana. There are also still four doughnuts from this morning that I need to take care… Continue reading Lunch: Recipes for Disaster