No Polluter Commuter!

I’m not much of an activist, but I have taken action in support of our environment.  As of this past Monday, I began what I hope to be a consistent plan to reduce my gas consumption, reduce mileage on my car, and increase my fitness level.  I am currently riding a bicycle for the most… Continue reading No Polluter Commuter!

The Guerrilla Tipster

The Guerrilla Tipster invokes his mighty right, passed down by the hands of the gods, to assert wisdom upon the unwitting. Today I find the signature of the Guerrilla Tipster upon the windshield of a car in the Barnes and Noble parking lot of Duluth: LEARN HOW TO PARK DUMB SHIT!! The words are poignant.… Continue reading The Guerrilla Tipster

A Surreal Morning

Monday morning I began my day like many others. It was the first day of school for many, and it was the beginning of the work week for me. I also managed to get out the door in record time (related) that morning; the sun was just creeping up above the horizon as I set… Continue reading A Surreal Morning

I Wish I Bought Electric

Gas is out of control. I’m waiting for siphoners and car-jackers to rise into the norm. I told my wife to be wary of how she leaves her car in order that she not create an easy target. She locked my car doors for me last night at the house. It’s not something we usually… Continue reading I Wish I Bought Electric

Commuter Blues

For those of you who commute, this is an all too familiar problem to you. It took me slightly more than two hours to get to work this morning. This is ridiculous, perhaps not to some, but to me. It’s only thirty-seven miles from my doorstep to my chair, and it takes between one and… Continue reading Commuter Blues