Tastey Nuts

I’m a fan of the seed and nut family, as many can attest. I maintain a supply of them at my desk at work for the occasion of snacking, which comes regularly. There are also infinite jokes to be told that never get old: Hello everybody. I have brought my nuts for everybody to enjoy.… Continue reading Tastey Nuts

Quandries of the American English Dialect

ar·chi·tect (är’kĭ-tĕkt’) n. One who designs and supervises the construction of buildings or other large structures. One that plans or devises: a country considered to be the chief architect of war in the Middle East. [Latin architectus, from Greek arkhitektōn : arkhi-, archi- + tektōn, builder.] At some point (I believe within my lifetime), the… Continue reading Quandries of the American English Dialect

Dan Zanes

Dan Zanes is my new favorite artist. His musical philosophy parallels my own and a CD can move through a bevy of instruments, styles, and nationalities. I have one of his later CD’s, “Catch that Train!” I’m actually not exactly sure if I truly own the CD because I purchased it (digitally) from AllofMP3.com and… Continue reading Dan Zanes

The Luck o the Irish

St. Patrick’s Day is the celebration of Saint Patrick, an English (or perhaps Scottish) immigrant who cleansed the land of pesky pagans. The story, as it goes these days, was that he used a clover as a symbol for the Trinity, which apparently did well to win people over. The shamrock was was always a… Continue reading The Luck o the Irish

R. Kelly’s Urban Opera

Amy pulled me in this evening to witness R. Kelly’s latest masterpiece, the Urban Opera: Trapped in the Closet. I don’t know much about R. Kelly, but I know enough now that I won’t be listening to anything further from him. Then again, the comedic entertainment factor of his opera was great enough that I… Continue reading R. Kelly’s Urban Opera

‘P’ to the Rizzo

Corporate cultures everywhere have mandated an unspoken need to reduce english terms and phrases to mere grunts and phonic alliterations that hint at their original use. It’s a little like what others experience when faced with the Southern tongue. You know, the words like “aaah-ayt” to represent “alright.” “Dj’eet yet” instead of “did you eat… Continue reading ‘P’ to the Rizzo

Outpost Nine :: Editorials

Carlos sent me a link to a teacher’s comments on “English as a Second Language” in Japan. It came recommended as hilarious, and I do indeed concur. It’s a little like watching an anime cartoon that makes no sense, while a telepathic commentator gives you a play-by-play. “So, in effect, I thrust out my peace… Continue reading Outpost Nine :: Editorials