Fear is the Mind Killer

Someone is assaulting the womens’ restroom on the other side of the wall from my stall. Is there a term for performance anxiety on the pot?

Tea Bag Phenomenom

Since Halo 2’s substantial release into the wild, new phrases have entered the every-day. Among them is “tea-bagging.” Not something I’d recommend using in mixed company, but I’m guessing it’ll be on the sitcom’s soon. Wikipedia says: The term tea bag is also slang for a homosexual sex act that involves the scrotum (the tea… Continue reading Tea Bag Phenomenom


Today we visited Barbara Elise, the previously mentioned, unnamed, baby girl. It turns out they didn’t pick one of my names, though Tina did say she had up to two weeks to decide. She’s a beautiful specimen and only days old.

Verizon Contracts

Below is my conversation with the support people at Verizon Wireless. Although I have enjoyed their coverage and general network quality, I hate service contracts. You have to agree to them (if not, you pay over-inflated prices) and they never actually work for you. They’re designed exclusively to aid the service provider. How is this… Continue reading Verizon Contracts

Canon EOS 20D

My wife just picked up a new camera – digital for once. She’s generally opposed to the medium, but I think the competition and my bantering are finally winning her over. The issue, of course, is that she’s a medium-format user and digital cameras are oft-not capable of reproducing images of this caliber. There are… Continue reading Canon EOS 20D

Time Well Spent

Having been preoccupied nightly with Halo 2 and some friends on XBOX Live!, I’ve neglected the site a bit. The part that everyone sees, anyway. I’m working on some other things for the gallery, but I won’t talk to that until I have something more than vapor-ware. The Live! environment is rich with the young… Continue reading Time Well Spent

CNN.com – Man in Americas earlier than thought

Once believed to have occured approximately 13,000 years ago, new estimates were made to push man’s (homo sapiens) arrival into North America to around 25,000 years ago. This changed yet again when John Topper discovered what appears to be man-made implements several meters below the current Topper site. The radiocarbon date testing pushes these items… Continue reading CNN.com – Man in Americas earlier than thought

Orkut.com Media: Cure for a Political Hangover

Another good read on Orkut’s new Media section. This one by Mark Ganek on political satire. I’m not the type, but I found this to be profound and entertaining. Ganek beats about the head and shoulders societal tendencies to muck-rake on differences of political party. Though, as seen in his humorous article, it’s hard not… Continue reading Orkut.com Media: Cure for a Political Hangover

Orkut.com Media – The Mission Hipster

You should read this article. It’s a well written piece by a truly gifted writer in California, Jen La Sala. To add to my list of multi-faceted, half-assed abilities, I’d like to be able to write as well as she. “Smoke drifts over from the table of women dressed in black and hot pink, bangs… Continue reading Orkut.com Media – The Mission Hipster

Legacy Services

Has anyone ever thought of setting up a service to exchange email to standard postal mail? It would cost, of course, at least the value of a stamp an envelope. Maybe you could even handle attachments and print them out to go along. I think it’s an interesting service that is needed by a small-ish… Continue reading Legacy Services