News from Philadelphia

People really get into their American history in ye olde American colony, Philadelphia. The U.S. Postal Service – the first one – flies no flag. At the time of its inception, there was no flag to fly under. We saw a young man riding his bicycle with the Libery Bell tattooed on his forearm. I… Continue reading News from Philadelphia

The First Camping Trip

While Balthazar’s first camping trip was actually over just before 10:00pm, he did get some good exposure to camp-life and the adventures that surround it. Balthazar has been going on about a camping trip for days now. We’re not exactly sure where he picked this up, but I couldn’t be happier. I love camping and… Continue reading The First Camping Trip


A while back I wrote about getting my water pressure back from the PSI trolls. It turns out, I was too ignorant to know what real water pressure was like and misjudged my victory. So recently I set out to avenge this injustice. I contacted the local water company to have a look. I had… Continue reading HyrdoPower!

In Gaming News

The Bungie team is making headway on their project to create Halo, the movie. To make an awesome start, they got Peter Jackson to direct produce the film. They also have WETA doing their digital work and weapons/armor. I’m thrilled that they’ve made such great moves towards the success of this film. Because I know… Continue reading In Gaming News

Konfabulator – Yahoo! Widgets

The Konfabulator tool was recommended to me by a coworker recently. He noticed that I used the Desktop Sidebar, a Longhorn-looking (Windows Vista) desktop component. To be honest, I was speculative of the Konfabulator’s ability to replace the Desktop Sidebar, both by its name and the source of information (he’s not a Windows guy, so… Continue reading Konfabulator – Yahoo! Widgets

My Wife, the Spaz

This evening, having spent the evening hosting “The Vagina Monologues,” my wife and I enjoyed Taco Bell for dinner. For some reason, Amy insists on ordering to-go foods that can’t possibly be eaten to-go without ramifications. Tonight, she got a big pile of nachos with all the fixin’s for the road. About half-way through the… Continue reading My Wife, the Spaz