Military-Strength Exfoliator

The ray gun is under development by our military research experts in the Pentagon. The device uses a microwave technology to penetrate just beneath the skin and boil it. Probably a bit like a jellyfish or tattoo experience. I could see that as being an effective deterrence, though a Tesla-like charge of taser energy would… Continue reading Military-Strength Exfoliator

First Impressions

My efforts to stay awake and finish my presentation Monday night were thwarted by constant head-nodding. Eventually, I gave up – my copy and paste actions were getting depressingly sloppy – and went to bed. I assumed that by getting to bed at a reasonable hour, I could wake up early and finish the slide… Continue reading First Impressions

MadLib Biographies

My friend, Jason D., sent me a chain-letter to fill out and send to a million people for good luck or something. I am against such things, but I like Jason and wish to at least better his luck. Instead of emailing everyone with my MadLib biography, I chose to post it here on my… Continue reading MadLib Biographies

The Device that Rocks the Cradle

Gary Cho invented the “Caring Cot” that potentially allows parents to get the entire night’s sleep. As a relatively new parent myself, the concept of more than a few hours of sleep at a time was just inconceivable for the first several months. We’ve gotten a little better at ignoring the minor sounds of a… Continue reading The Device that Rocks the Cradle

Bathroom Etiquette

This should probably be a meme if it isn’t already (note to self…). I have a list of things I would like to post in regards to bathroom etiquette. Please follow these simple guidelines when in my presence. *Do NOT* talk to me whilst I piddle or poo. Talking to me during a piddle is… Continue reading Bathroom Etiquette

Noise Ordinance

Hall County Noise Ordinance: “B. Radios, phonographs, similar devices. The using of, operating of, or permitting to be played, used or operated, any radio receiving set, musical instrument, phonograph or other machine or device for any producing or reproducing of sound in a manner as to disturb the peace, quiet and comfort of the neighboring… Continue reading Noise Ordinance