Halloween @ Work

As is custom in many workplaces, today was a day of costume and creativity. Our campus was comprised of a number of people dressed-up in all manners. There was also a cube-decorating contest within each of our buildings. Being both a contractor and in temporary space, my team and I did nothing more than supply… Continue reading Halloween @ Work

Work @ 7:00am

It turns out I like being at work earlier than everyone else. For one, it’s quiet – somber even. For another, it’s still dark outside. I much prefer getting started in the morning in the dark. It’s easier on the eyes, It’s not chilly this morning as I had hoped, but not too warm either.… Continue reading Work @ 7:00am


So I’m working on a new project called, “webdev|Live!” The idea is that a group of web developers get together and blog the unfolding saga of web design. The process, when followed to completion, should render a sort of instant whitepaper. I’m hoping it pans out, but for now it’s just useful in allowing Sean… Continue reading webdev|Live!

Master Chief

We have Master Chief from Halo floating around the team area at work. He’s brilliantly posable, but alas, I don’t believe they’re for sale. This model is apparently supposed to be a marketing model (paraphernalia). Nonetheless, we’re anticipating seeing more of him with the release of Halo 2 soon.

There and Back Again…and There Again

So I get into work this morning at 10-till-7:00am. This would give me plenty of time to work-out and take a shower before I start my day out. Everything is going as planned until I open the rear, driver-side door to get my gym bag. There on my rear, passenger-side seat sits the baby’s car… Continue reading There and Back Again…and There Again

Billy Joel, We Need Another “We Didn’t Start the Fire!”

Viruses plague MSN, service interruptions for IM’ers PayPal learns the meaning of ‘change control’ when a development error costs them days of business and customer loyalty (still not working, by the way) War in the Middle East Superman dead (this time for real) RIAA sues everyone America can’t decide between an indecisive, anti-war veteran and… Continue reading Billy Joel, We Need Another “We Didn’t Start the Fire!”

Zero-G Flights now Departing from Local Airports

Zero-G is the first company to offer a 0-gravity experience to non-astronauts. I don’t know that that is such a good idea, but I’m all for it personally. The company is on a tour where they’ll offer these flights for about $3,000.00 in airports such as L.A., New York, and Atlanta. The package cost gets… Continue reading Zero-G Flights now Departing from Local Airports

Bathroom Etiquette

This should probably be a meme if it isn’t already (note to self…). I have a list of things I would like to post in regards to bathroom etiquette. Please follow these simple guidelines when in my presence. *Do NOT* talk to me whilst I piddle or poo. Talking to me during a piddle is… Continue reading Bathroom Etiquette